Thursday, March 31, 2011

Green Party sets sights on Vancouver Centre

I have a new piece up on the national page of today (which will also likely show up in the next print edition of Xtra Vancouver) about Green Party deputy leader Adriane Carr's bid for the seat in Vancouver Centre, and why she thinks the demographics there make it an ideal seat to win. The piece was actually written a couple of weeks ago, before the election call, but faced a delay in terms of finding an expert who could speak to the demographic issues of elections and Green Parties (note - there are apparently no scholars on Green Parties in Canada), and then my editor held it for a little longer, as it wasn't timely when submitted. That said, I think the source I did find - Funke - turned out incredibly well, and the fact that we did go to an election shortly after I wrote it meant the timing was more fortuitous than intended when I took on the piece.

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