Monday, April 19, 2010

Did Vic Toews kill the HIV vaccine facility?

I have a new piece up on the national page of today, which I spent most of last week putting together, including some very early committee meetings. There was a lot of material to follow, and a bunch of it couldn't make it into the story, but will likely be useful at some point down the road. This was a pretty involving story, and one that I'll continue to follow, with a definite piece later this week, but likely more to come later.

On a personal level, this was one of those stories that I was really one of the only reporters covering, and it felt good to be breaking it, and talking about it with other reporters. Okay, sure, the Winnipeg Free Press was also on the story, but they really didn't have as substantial of coverage as I did, so it felt good to be breaking some ground on this.

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