I have a new
piece up today on the Xtra.ca national page, which pretty much serves as a follow-up to the piece on the HIV travel ban from the other day. And whereas you'd think it would be a piece of cake considering all the work and research I'd put into that previous piece, this one wasn't. In fact, it was a pretty difficult and indeed frustrating piece to write, largely because many of the sources were all giving me contradictory information that on the surface didn't make sense, but the deeper one would dig, the more one found that there wasn't much of a story at all. Many of the accusations were specious (that this new waiver process was quietly put in for June 1st, that the paperwork is more draconian than ever), and it took some digging to get to the bottom of everything - which I eventually did, and I will note, the
Ottawa Citizen didn't. Overall, the piece came together - a little later than I had initially hoped, but there was a lot more to dig through than I had initially thought - and I will note that in the end, it does end up serving as a companion piece to the first piece, and that everything worked out in the end.
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