Monday, June 27, 2011

Gay people and national security

I have a new story up on the main page of today, that immediately gained a lot of attention and was even the headline story at the top of National Newswatch, one of the most popular news aggregators in the country. It was a story that was a couple of weeks in the making, gathering the right interviews and having the time to work on it and edit it just right (which was a bit tough during the busy past week), but I had a lot of interest from certain acquaintances and even a few other reporters in just what it means that Baird became the new foreign minister. It also became an opportune time to provide a bit of a history lesson on our country's history with the security campaigns of years past, which is something that not a lot of people gay or straight know about, and to show the kind of progress that we've made in the past couple of decades. Baird's appointment turned out to be an opportune hook for the story, and based on the feedback that I've received over the course of the day from some pretty prominent reporters from national outlets, I think I struck a good balance.

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