Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where are all the lesbians in federal politics?

I have a new feature-length piece on the national page of Xtra.ca (and will hopefully soon appear in at least one of the print editions). This was a fascinating article to write, and I spoke to a lot of really interesting people - but it was also extremely painful to write because I had to condense so much material into a short space, and then my editor had to condense it a bit more. Most of the losses between by draft and the final version are some of the additional commentary by Catherine Meade (who is a pretty awesome interview), and some of what Anita Vandenbeld had to say (also someone great to talk to, especially about democratic institutions). Suffice to say, it's a great fascinating topic to explore, and hopefully I can come back to it in a more expanded form at some point in the future.

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