My second piece, Why Parliament Matters, is a rare editorial for me in Outlooks, and it was a pretty last-minute assignment, made timely by the current prorogation situation in Parliament. I returned to one of my overarching themes in my writing of making the business of government matter to Canadians, which is something that I believe we need to be reminded of, given our increasing rates of voter apathy and political disengagement - and a minority community like the GLBT community should be especially sensitive to that particular apathy. I think the piece acquitted itself well, and I'm especially chuffed by the layout - it got a beautiful two-page spread with a gorgeous shot of a fog-shrouded Parliament Hill in behind. Good job, layout department!
(I also very nearly ended up doing the Matt Dusk interview, but that plan fell through at the last minute, though given my schedule lately, I didn't mind all that much.)
Thoughts from the Hill is on page 10, and Why Parliament Matters is on pages 22 and 23. You can download the full issue in .pdf form here.
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