Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prime Minister playing fast & loose with the law

I have a very big story in the current issue of Capital Xtra, which hits the stands today, and it's also the featured story on the national page of On top of that, the online version also has my very first video piece, which I shot and edited (though admittedly it's pretty basic). Nevertheless, it is a bit of an accomplishment.

This was an amazing story to write, if a tad gruelling as I spent the two weeks also reading Court Government and the Collapse of Accountability in Canada and the United Kingdom, hoping that I could perhaps get Donald Savoie's input as well. Sadly, he was out of the country, but I managed to fine more than enough really great experts to interview, on top of the MPs and Senator that I interviewed. In the end, this was a fantastic feature article to write, and yet I feel as though I've barely only scratched the surface for some of it.

Given that I got this far with the piece, I'm hoping to continue working on it for a new and longer version for another venue, which I'm going to work on crafting a pitch for shortly. And hopefully I'll be able to get Donald Savoie's input for said future version...

Here's the video interview:

It is a pretty basic interview, which is why it's as long as it is, but I think it also gives the whole story on his bill, including his ruminations on the larger topic at hand. Nevertheless, it's been a learning experience that I hope to carry forward to new pieces.

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