Friday, February 6, 2009

Senator Mike Duffy won't apologize for 'offensive' remarks

What was originally going to be a post on my blog wound up being a full-blown story on the site's national page. Of course, being a more serious piece, I had to tone down some of the tongue-in-cheek elements that I had originally thought about including, such as a possible post title of "Apparently Danny Williams is a top" or other such references, though I did still manage to retain a bit of fun with it. A blog post would also have relied a lot more on actual excerpts from the Senate Hansard, but I'm quite pleased with the way the story wound up nevertheless. I'm especially glad that I was able to include mention of my conversation with Senator Nancy Ruth yesterday in the piece (though I didn't include the bit were she seemed rather pleased that Duffy got bawled out the way he did).

As always, you can check out my blog, Hill Queeries, here.

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