Wednesday, December 8, 2010

C-389 passes but faces further delays

I have a new piece up on the national page of, which covers the latest development in Bill C-389, which I've been covering for its entire lifespan. While there was a lot of celebration among the interviewees after the vote itself, I made sure to put in in the context of the bigger picture, that this vote was a delay that could end up killing the bill in the event of a spring election. My experience covering the life of the bill also meant that I had the memory of who changed their votes on it, so I think that helped give my story a little more than others will have.

A couple of things didn't make it into the story, which was mostly Marlene Jennings saying that there was only one MP from her party that came to her with concerns about the bill, which she talked out with him. The other was James Moore telling reporters that when he voted for it, it was a "free vote," but not explaining further.

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