Thursday, June 25, 2015
Rosemary Barton is the Hero We Deserve
I have a new op-ed on the Canadaland website, wherein I make the case for Rosemary Barton to be named the permanent host of CBC News Network's flagship politics show, Power & Politics. As someone who has watched a lot of politics shows (and even wrote about them for a while on, she is a host that has impressed me more than any other since the days of Don Newman, and in my humble opinion, if the CBC brass were smart, they would make her the permanent host immediately and start branding the show around her with no time to spare.
National Post Radio: Dale Smith and Jen Gerson square off on Justin Trudeau’s plan to fix Ottawa

The Senate is killing private members' bills – and that's a good thing
I have a new op-ed in the National Post, wherein I look at the number of private members' bills that are due to die on the Order Paper when the Senate rises any day now, and why it's not such a bad thing, as these bills have proliferated and become a genuine legislative problem in the past few years. Not to mention, it's also validating the role of the Senate when it comes to stopping bad bills before they make it into law, causing more problems down the road.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Government makes a hash of genetic privacy

Saturday, June 13, 2015
Was the Senate audit worth $23.6 million?

Friday, June 12, 2015
Chong's Reform Act is 'actively toxic to Canadian democracy'
I have a new op-ed on the National Post's Full Comment page, which returns to the issue of Michael Chong's Reform Act, and I continue to deconstruct it as being a step in the right direction, to showing how it will be exactly the opposite. Originally the piece had more about Chong's hypocrisy in his hopes to use the Senate to kill a different bill he didn't like, but we wound up reworking it to stay focused on this bill, but it worked out quite well in the end.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Let’s all take a breath about the Senate audit

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Chong’s Reform Act can’t restore accountability to leaders
My column this week on Loonie Politics takes another look at the Reform Act, and takes apart some of its fundamental goals – making leaders more accountable – and shows how the premise remains flawed while we maintain the current system of leadership selection, not just the method of removal.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Who killed Question Period?

Thursday, May 21, 2015
Michael Chong's Reform Act is Easy to Hate. So Why Does the Media Love it?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Why aren’t MPs paying attention to Information Commissioner Legault?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
For Evan Solomon, Elizabeth May's Speech was a Democratic Crisis (It was not)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Why CANADALAND: COMMONS is possibly the worst thing for Canadian politics

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Conservatives not putting their money where their mouths are

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
No, the Senate is not being put on trial

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
You can’t just turn off the Senate tap
My column this week on Loonie Politics responds to the rather incredulous beliefs that some people – including certain reporters – have that somehow the government of the day can deprive the Senate of funding, as though it wasn't a wholly independent chamber of parliament.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Ticking clock looms over parliament

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Selinger gong show a preview of Reform Act future

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Chong’s Reform Act sabotages parliamentary democracy and needs to be defeated

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
NDP satellite offices are just one of many problems

Paul Rochon, a veteran Finance official
My story on Lobby Monitor today is a profile of the deputy minister of Finance, Paul Rochon. This was a more difficult profile to write as the subject wasn't willing to be interviewed, and finding people who knew him turned out to be a harder task than originally thought, but eventually I made the right connections and got the profile off the ground, and it turned out pretty well in the end.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Beware the unintended consequences of being too family-friendly
I have an op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen which looks to make a contribution to the ongoing debate about how to make parliament a more "family friendly" institution for the MPs that inhabit it. While everyone brings up some standards, like cancelling Fridays or electronic votes, I caution that these changes will have unintended consequences that could damage the institution – and most especially collegiality – based on the history of changes that have been made to date.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The Phantom Parliament

Thursday, January 22, 2015
ABS town hall brings out the skeptics

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
No more year-long elections, please

My column this week on Loonie Politics, the first of the New Year, takes the issue of it being an election year thanks to fixed election dates and examines if it really has made our system "more democratic" as such reform proponents like to state. It's not an argument that I buy, and I lay out reasons why including those drawn from conversations I had with government MPs in Ontario on the eve of their previous fixed election date in 2011 as to how it simply changed political calculations but still advantaged the government. With all of the (baseless) talk of a possible early election here, I felt like it was an appropriate time to remind everyone of what a sham our fixed election law really is anyway, and why it deserves to be repealed.
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